Thursday, July 19, 2012

Welcome to the Fam, Little Man

I received a text yesterday that read "Is the Grieves blog a thing of the past?!"  Fair question, fair question.  We've been just a tad bit busy around here welcoming the little man to our fam.  Truth be told, I've been more interested in answering emails and looking through pictures than blogging.  Any guesses on how many photos a baby can rack up during his first week of life?  Over 300.  And that doesn't count iPhones and grandparents' cameras.  Any more guesses on how many times I can sit and look at the same photos over and over?  Well, I haven't counted, but the answer is probably 300.

I also feel like Little Man's future might have been foreshadowed when his aunt pointed out "he has received more Facebook love in his first day of life than I have in my entire FB career."  Touche.

So, instead of boring you with the details of labor and delivery, how about some stories of what we've been up to since we got home?!?  (For those of you who want the details of labor and delivery, here are the highlights:  Doctor broke my water, it took 3 tries for the anesthetist to get the epidural in, delivery was much less painful/dramatic than television, 24 hours later we were holding our healthy, beautiful, perfect baby boy).

View from our hospital room.  That's right, we start them young here in Wildcat country.
And now for the highlights:

#1 - Diaper Blowout Trifecta
While attempting to change Little Man's diaper myself, he decided to poop during my (much too slow) dirty to clean diaper exchange.  While trying to contain this mishap, I noticed liquid running in between his legs and up his belly.  (A guy's gotta pee when a guy's gotta pee).  When examining how far his little tinkle had progressed up his body, I noticed the spit-up flowing out of his mouth.  Five stars for that diaper change, momma.

#2 - Electrical Short
Note to new parents:  When bathing your newborn, it is not a bad idea to have a space heater in the bathroom to keep baby warm.  It is, however, a bad idea to roll the baby on his side giving him perfect aim of said space heater.  Why, you ask?  Because when he decides to make a perfect and beautiful urine fountain he may or may not short out the space heater.  (Don't worry, while Little Man did hit the space heater, he did not cause any electrical shorts, nor was anyone hurt.  I would, however, advise you to use the Q-tips and lotion in our guest bathroom at your own risk).  

#3 Hot Potato
For a six pound little guy, our baby can fart with the best of them.  Correction - he does not fart, he sharts.  (If you are unfamiliar with this term, it is a combination of two words both associated with bowel functions).  And when Little Man sharts, he sharts.  I am not kidding - it sounds like he has just blown a hole through the bottom of his diaper. 
Last weekend, Adam, Dedra and the boys came to visit.  Before leaving, Miles, their 6 year old, wanted to hold the baby.  Miles was doing a great job holding what seemed to be an innocent and unassuming newborn.  Until, out of nowhere, Little Man let out the shart of his life.  Miles' reaction?  Toss the baby 18 inches in the air and duck for cover.  Luckily Dedra was right there to catch Little Man in mid-air.  Little Man's reaction?  Continue to sleep as if nothing had happened....I think he was just pretending to sleep so no one would think it was him who cut the cheese.

I am sure this is only the beginning of many stories to come.  We love you Little Man more than you can ever imagine.  These two weeks with you have been the biggest blessing of our lives and you make us the happiest people in the world. Momma and daddy love you.