Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Adventures in Baby Cuisine

I can't open any wider.....feed me!

Pediatricians may say to keep babies on a liquid diet until at least 6 months for health reasons.  In this house, we needed the extra time to figure out what in the heck we were doing :)  Here is a scattered, non-research-based, unofficial account of Eli's adventures in baby cuisine.

- Eli started rice cereal right around 6 months.  The recommended ratio of milk to cereal (4 parts milk to 1 part cereal) essentially makes...milk.  We were basically feeding his bottle off of a spoon.  It didn't take long before we ditched all measuring utensils and slowly thickened the texture until it was like cream of wheat.  Followed baby's lead on this one.

- After about a week or two of cereal (I told you this was going to be precise), we started introducing vegetables.  Luckily (in my opinion) we have the most laid back pediatrician (S.O. Dr. G!!)  His direct quote at Eli's 4 month appointment was 'Don't make it harder than it needs to be.'  I had heard and read about what order to introduce foods, how to alternate foods, how to mix foods, etc.  Can you say overwhelming?  Yikes!  Eli began with squash and moved his way through green beans and sweet potatoes.  This solid food thing wasn't so hard after all.  We did follow the 'three day rule' (waiting three days before introducing each new food) to watch for any allergic reactions.  So far, so good.
Who's this pretty girl feeding me??  I like her!

I had originally thought that I wanted to feed Eli homemade baby food.  For some reason, when the rubber hit the road that was also overwhelming.  Thankfully a neighbor had given us some jarred food her son was not going to eat (don't worry, it wasn't expired).  When I looked at the ingredients they read 'squash, water.'  Um, what about all the preservatives and unpronounceable ingredients I assumed were in jarred baby food?  Not there.  And these jars (which Eli will eat half of) cost 50 cents.  Thus my mind was changed and Eli and I trucked it to Dillons to load up on jarred baby food.  

- Then it was time for fruit.  I decided it couldn't be that hard to mash up a banana and thus began our adventures in homemade baby food.  We went from bananas to avadados to sweet potatoes (these I could mash with a fork....still had no idea how to buy a food processor without spending a fortune).

- After researching Cuisineart food processors as well as Baby Beaba and Baby Breza, I decided I didn't want to invest a fortune.  A quick trip to Target and a shiny new Magic Bullet ($35) was ours!

- Fast forward 2 months and Eli is eating a wide variety of fruits and veggies.  Some jarred, some homemade.  The number one advantage to making his food is the variety.  I tend to buy the foods that are inconvenient to make and make the foods that aren't sold in jars.  I introduced him to foods in this order...kind of...I think.  Squash, green beans, banana, avacado, sweet potato, peas, applesauce, carrots, pineapple, blueberries, zucchini, broccoli, peaches, potato.  Next on the list are strawberries and edamame!!

So, if you're still here after all of this rambling.  This, folks, is how I cook.  (Note:  I cook like my father.  If the kitchen isn't a mess when we're done, then the meal's not any good).
The remains of my first attempt at squash
1.  I use a mixture of fresh and frozen fruits and veggies - organic and non-organic. 
2. After giving them a toss in the MB I either pour them in ice cube trays (3/4 oz per cube) or into (previously used and washed) baby food jars (4 oz when full). 

Blueberries and peaches - like a tropical vacay.

3.  Each morning I grab an empty jar and throw 2 fruit cubes in to eat with his oatmeal at daycare.  I also grab him a frozen veggie jar and he's good to go.

4.  At home I just throw cubes into a glass ramekin and thaw for 20 seconds to make his dinner.  This makes it super easy to mix and match foods. 

At first I was just making cubes and putting them in the jars to send to daycare.  However, the jars only hold 2 cubes which is not enough food anymore.  By freezing it in the jars I can get 3-4 ounces in there.

I guess there's not a whole lot else to tell.  I hope you've enjoyed this riveting post or maybe even found it helpful.  At the very least I'm hoping it will help me not feel so lost the next time I do this (hopefully).  

Monday, March 11, 2013


 In a nutshell...

1.  Spring came.  
Watching Wormey roll to his imminent death

2.  Spring went.
Shovel trip 1 of 3. 

3.  Eli built a snowman
 4.  Eli's hands got cold.
isth thtuck to my tongue mom
 5.  Gryff came to visit.
Come play with me doggie!
Maybe if I yell louder he'll hear me.
6.  Eli met Winston.
Maybe this doggie will play with me?!?
  7.  Dean came to town.
You talkin' to us?

So....three guys walk into a bar...

Dude, where are they taking us now?

Here, let me give you a hand.


Haha.  No caption needed.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Baby Check: 8 months

This little dude is becoming a little boy.  Be still my heart.  As much as I love everything about this stage, part of me cannot wait until he's running around, laughing, talking and being silly.  He has the best* personality and I can't wait to see it continue develop.  (*In this instance, 'best' clearly means silly and ornery with a little attitude on the side). 

Eli during your 8th month of life you...
- got to enjoy the warm weather in your a big boy!
- went to the park and got to swing for the first time.  You love it!
-  spent  your first evening with a {paid} babysitter - Taylor Kayser.  You were asleep the entire time she was here and didn't even know we were gone :)
- watched daddy shovel...and shovel...and shovel...and promise to buy a snowblower next year.
- want anything you don't have.  If you have a ball, you want the block.  If you have the block, you want the ball.
- have started pulling your knees underneath you.  Oh boy.
- spent two weeks with Gryff at our house.  You love him and think playing fetch is the best game ever.  He's slowly warming up to you.
- have a new cousin - Joel Dean.  You two are sure to get into some trouble in the coming years!
- took your first road trip.  We loaded you up at bedtime to make the 10.5 hour trip to Houston and you did GREAT!  Now we'll hope your first plane ride this summer goes just as smoothly.
Now you see it...

Now you don't!

Eli, you grow and change every day.  You are looking and acting more and more like a little boy.  Miss Dawn says she loves watching you and we get compliments all the time about how adorable you are.  You are starting to look more and more like your daddy and seem to be favoring your left hand.  You love eating anything we put in front of you (including pineapple) and love playing with your stacking bear, reading books, and staring out the window.

Can't wait to see what this spring will bring!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Spread the Word...

March 6th is National Spread the Word to End the Word Day. When you say the word retard or retarded in a derogatory manner towards someone or to indicate you think something is dumb, lame or stupid, it sends a hurtful message to those who live with intellectual disabilities. WORDS MATTER! Please visit to take the pledge to stop using this word. The only R word we should be talking about is RESPECT!
March 6th is National Spread the Word to End the Word Day. When you say the word retard or retarded in a derogatory manner towards someone or to indicate you think something is dumb, lame or stupid, it sends a hurtful message to those who live with intellectual disabilities. WORDS MATTER! Please visit to take the pledge to stop using this word. The only R word we should be talking about is RESPECT!
As many of you know, I feel very, very strongly about the use of the R-word.  If you don't know my opinion on this, then you probably haven't used this word in front of me.  Way to go and thank you!  While I hate confrontation almost as much as I hate raisins, this is a topic that I will call someone out on...anywhere, anytime.  Most people's response is "I didn't mean it disrespectfully."  Too bad - it was.  This is a topic in which 'intent' does not matter.  It doesn't hurt the person, their friends or their family any less because you qualify it as a joke, a habit or a 'generational thing.'
Okay, I will kindly step off of my soap box, but thank you for taking a minute to indulge my passion.  
Happy Wednesday! 

Monday, March 4, 2013

What is Parenting?

My thoughts for today - parenting is hard.  No, being part of a family is hard.  Because when you love people as much as you love your family, it hurts just as much when they are hurting.
Today I'm sharing my thoughts, but please understand it is not judgment.  It is introspection.  Reflection on my own understanding of what it means to be a mom.  Writing has always been one of my main coping mechanisms.  This time I'm writing it here in hopes that it will be encouraging and reassuring to those who call themselves parents.

Parenting is a miracle.  And it has the most demanding job description of any one you will ever find. 
You see, babies are miracles.  Our God is so big and so omnipotent that he can take two microscopic cells and make a life out of them.  Two cells that are nothing more than a dot in a microscope grow into a living being.  But He doesn't stop there.  Then He enables this little miracle to love and be loved.  To show compassion and empathy and curiosity and joy.  Because our God is not just powerful; He is compassionate.
He does not keep these miracles to himself either.  He asks us to take care of this child He has created and who is His. 
That's a lot of trust.  I don't even like people to borrow my purple fine-point Sharpie, yet God has asked me to care for one of his most precious creations.  A creation that is irreplacable.
You know why He does it?  Because He wants us to have joy.  And that is what a baby is.  Joy in its purest form.  He wants us to understand, in some small way, what it is like to love without condition.  To feel about someone the way He feels about us.

Parenting. Much of our society has whittled the single most amazing miracle known to man down to a trite compilation of arts and crafts projects.
Parenting is not about Pinterest or Facebook posts or Instagram feeds.
Parenting is not about the nursery color scheme or the Top Mom Apps or losing the baby weight.
I owe Eli an apology. 
I have probably spent as much time praying for him as I have spent posting his pics on the internet.  Man, that's hard to swallow.
The day before Eli was born I wrote him a letter.  I thought about posting it. 
I didn't.  It was for him.
But now that I am 8 months into this parenting gig, I have learned a thing or two.  About myself.  When I go back and read the letter, I realize it had a lot of wisdom.  Wisdom that I wrote down in a journal and then promptly ignored.  Because no one asks 'What are your hopes and dreams for your baby?"  "What do you pray for him at night?"  "What are your joys and fears about being a mom?" 
Nope.  They We ask 'What kind of diapers are you using?' 'What products can you not live without?'
So these are the things we think about and talk about and blog about.
In the letter, I wrote, "Eli, the world will want you to DO things, and HAVE things, and BE things.  The world will tell you to be smart and competitive and polite and successful.  There will be times that's what we want for you too.  But God is your Father and He wants nothing more than your faithfulness, devotion and love for others." 

Have I spent as much time worrying about his spiritual development as I have his physical, cognitive and social-emotional development?  Is there a spiritual milestone chart on BabyCenter?  What is more important to me - that he rolls over or learns to love other people?  Of course, I want both of those things, but we don't always get everything we want - so I need to make sure I have my priorities straight.

Here's the hard part - Not all of our babies get to come home and enjoy their perfectly coordinated chevron bumper with their homemade wall decor.  Not all babies get to go to library story time and mother's day out and meet all their developmental milestones on time. 

But, look at them.  They are happy just to be alive.  They love unconditionally.  They never question your loyalty and they never wish you were a better parent.  In fact, in your child's eyes, you are perfect and beautiful in every way.
Why do we make it so complicated?  Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves?  Why do we make a big deal out of the small stuff and a small deal out of the big stuff?  Why can't we appreciate parenting for what it is? 

For all you moms and dads - whether your children are biological or adopted or foster - give yourself a break from the world's checklist of what makes a good parent.  Your child does not care what is on the walls or how many Facebook posts you've made.  Erase everything from your to-do list except for these...

1.  Love them
2.  Pray for them
3.  Teach them
4.  Be joyful
5.  Be open-minded
6.  Be thankful

That is what parenting is.  If you have done this, then you have cared for God's precious creation - whether for just one day or many years.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Howdy Ya'll!

Howdy par'ner
The Grieves family has ourself a real live cowboy.  Our Little Buckaroo took his first trip to Texas - and came home a cowboy!
Hey ya''s my accent?

Why drive 11 hours to Houston for the weekend you ask?  Two weeks ago our sweet nephew Joel was born.  He's working on getting big and strong at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston, so Ryan, Cole, Eli and I loaded up to go visit him!

We left at 7:30 pm Thursday night for our 10.5 hour trek in hopes that Eli would sleep the entire trip.  Result of this experiment?  Success!!  Thank you baby!!!  We spent Friday at the hospital getting to meet and hold Baby Joel for the first time.  He is such a sweet baby boy.  He has lots of hair and smiles in his sleep - my favorite!!  He also made up some good diapers for his daddy to change.

Luckily for Eli, his GREAT Aunt Anita and cousin Lexie came to pick him up and take him to Kingwood to hang out with them for the day.  I think they were all in seventh heaven.  Later that evening Ryan and I also headed to Kingwood for the night.  Ryan crashed even before Eli did (not having slept in about 36 hours).
Houston cold front = beautiful spring day for these Kansans

Saturday morning, after some playtime and a walk in the beautiful Texas weather, Ryan and I headed back into Houston to hang out with his family.  As the good aunt and uncle we are, we made sure Joel was adequately clothed for his stay.
Such a smart baby.
Later Saturday afternoon Aunt Anita, Uncle Brent and Lexie, graciously drove back into Houston to drop the little man off.  Unfortunately, Eli didn't get to meet his cousin Joel, but I'm sure they'll be teaming up and causing trouble soon enough.
When you look up trouble in the dictionary....this is what you'll find.

We were all glad we got to make the trip and are so excited to have Joel in our family!  Unfortunately, I didn't make it home with many pics of Joel on my camera, but, don't worry, this baby has had his fair share of photo ops.