Whatcha been hiding in here mama? |
What a challenging age 9 months is. You are demanding, you are into everything, you are requiring us to start thinking about how to discipline and teach you boundaries, you're cutting more teeth.
Why so serious? |
This month you had a LOT of firsts....
- Your first spring break - may this be the first of many my child. If I teach you anything it will be to choose a profession that will give you a spring break for the rest of your life :)
-Your first haircut. By dad. In the bathtub. Yep - he mohawked it then cut it off with the kitchen scissors. Poor kid.
Mama, does dad know what he's doing??? |
- First night in a hotel (we all slept like babies...literally.)
- You started rolling to get where you wanted to go. No longer is your world contained on the living room rug. You figured out you can roll, scoot and turn anywhere you want.
Here I go! |
- After a week or two your rolling turned into full fledged army-crawling. No longer do you have to attack your target with a sideways roll. You can now attack it straight-on. (You're not crawling on all fours yet, but you're good enough to get whatever you want if mom and dad aren't watching :)
- Also this month - you had one glorious day of 'mamamamamas' Haven't heard it since. You love to play catch, you throw everything, and you will no longer stay in your carseat at restaurants. You are eating finger foods (puffs, cheerios, banana, avocado, potato and pasta) and learning to drink from a sippy cup. You are also eating mostly formula. Your verbal and fine motor skills still seem strong and your gross motor skills aren't too shabby either.
Eli, you are so much fun to hang-out with. This month you really turned into a whole new kid. You are into everything and definitely mobile. You are still so sweet, happy and playful. However, daddy and I don't allow you to spit your food which has created a bit of a predicament considering you like to spit your food. Hmm. Let the battle of wills begin.
Maybe, if I'm really good, I'll come back and update your stats. We go to the doctor next Monday. Hopefully the little dude will be growing and released from his reflux meds. We'll see!