Saturday, October 6, 2012

Baby Check: 3 months

Our baby boy is 1/4 of a year old.  Are you kidding me?  25% is a lot.  I mean, that's kind of a big deal.  Right?

Anywho, three months (and a couple of days) ago Eli Alexander entered this world and it has been the best three months of our lives.  He has been such a blessing to us and we are grateful for every day we get to spend with him.  I tell you what, getting up in the morning is a heck of a lot easier with him.  1.  He's cute.  2.  His squawking is much more convincing (and harder to ignore) than my alarm.  3.  He doesn't have a snooze button.

Eli's been a pretty busy dude this last month. He started daycare, had his first sleepover in Topeka, attended his first wedding and started wearing footie pajamas.  He has also been growing and developing like crazy.

Pound it.

At 3 months:
- You have moved up to size 2 diapers...mainly because we were out of size ones and we were tired of cleaning poop off your onesies when you blew out.
- You 'sleep' through the night.  You dropped your night feeding at 10 weeks, but still wake up in the middle of the night.  Sometimes you just talk to yourself for a little while then go back to sleep, but sometimes you need your paci to close your eyes again.  There have been a handful of nights that you made it from 8:30-6:00ish without making daddy or I get out of bed (including last night!!), but we're pretty sure you're waking up because you're cold.  We've been experimenting with different pj combos to keep you warm.  Currently the winner is socks, footie pajamas, and a sleep sack.  We haven't figured out how to keep your hands warm.  Mittens are out because you'd suck those suckers right off and (in my mind) get one stuck in your mouth.  Not an option.
- You can support your head really well when we hold you and can keep your head supported when we pull you up from a lying position.
- You like to sit up and look around.  Daddy or I have to hold your body, but you can hold your head.
- You love 'standing' and bouncing up and down.  Such strong legs.
- Tummy time?  Not so much.  Sometimes you yell about it and sometimes you just lie contentedly.  But rarely do push yourself up.  I highly doubt you're going to be eager to roll from back to tummy considering your feelings on tummy time.  However, it wouldn't surprise me if you figure out how to roll from tummy to back out of frustration :)
This STINKS!!!

- Bath time = the best!  You love the water.  Yay!
- You really like your play gym.  You love staring at the different objects and will even grab and hold on to them.
- You have also started grabbing at other toys like Mr. Moose, Marv and Pete.
- You talk.  A lot.  And you're loud.  Really loud.  Not usually mad, just loud.  Apparently daddy and I forgot the lesson on using 'inside voices.'  Pretty sure you don't have one. 
- Still a great eater.  You eat 5 ounce bottles at Ms. Dawn's house and are still eating every 4 hours.
- You still think your daddy is the funniest guy around, but you will now laugh and smile for just about anyone.
- You have the cutest laugh and we love how you crunch your legs up to your tummy when you laugh really hard.
- Your attention span is getting longer and longer and you're also awake and happier for longer periods during the day.  You get a little cranky when you're tired and mad when you're hungry, but otherwise you are a very sweet and happy baby.
  No need to roll onto my tummy mom.  I'm good here.

Daddy and I just love your giggles and your smiles.  We also love the way you play hard-to-get when you turn your head and just give us a half smirk.  Daddy likes teasing you about your girlfriend and I love the way your eyes light up when you see us.  We think it's hilarious that you spin around in your bed at night and you still sleep with your arms above your head or over your face.  Your original hair is falling out like crazy, but new hair is coming in behind it.  Your round little face and chunky little legs continue to fill out.
Nothing's better than kicking off your shoes after a hard day's work.

I hope we never forget evening snuggles with you passed out in our arms, the sound of your laugh before bathtime, the sound of your squawks from your bedroom, your adorable and pinchable little baby butt, and your sweet face when you're asleep on my shoulder.

Hi Bubba.  I love you!

Eli you are just the best.  Thank you for making our family complete.  Happy 3 month birthday bubba.  Love you.

1 comment:

  1. Love your posts about Eli! And love that you call him Bubba ;)
