- 'You're cute!' - Nope.
- 'You have great hair!' - Nope.
- 'You are FAST!' - Yep.
While most 13 month ankle biters are working on their walking, Eli is setting PRs in the 100 meter crawl.
STORY: Last week I walked into the library and saw three moms with their babies. I recognized one mom from playgroup. I had never seen the other moms. Here's how their convo with Eli went.
Playgroup Mom - 'Hey, I saw you yesterday!'
Stranger Mom #1 - 'Hey, I've seen you at the park! I recognize that army crawl. No one crawls that fast!'
Stranger Mom #2 - 'Yeah! I've seen you at the Fountains! I'd recognize that army crawl anywhere. How do you keep up with him?'
Apparently Eli is making a name for himself all over the Little Apple. We've decided to officially begin training. He'll be in our basement crawling laps if you need him. :)