Sunday, January 19, 2014

18 months

When everyone says that 18 months is SO fun....they aren't kidding.  This age is probably my favorite so far.  I know that I've said that before and I will say it again, but for now Ryan and I are loving this stage of life.  At 18 months, we are blown away by how much Eli is learning!  All of those months of our incessant talking (Look at the truck! It's a red truck!  The red truck goes fast!) to a blank stare have come to fruition!  It was as if a switch flipped and our little boy turned into a parrot.  No longer do we have to repeat a word 563 times before every hearing it again.  He will try to mimic most words and sounds we make.  He is also learning how to make things work - like puzzles, driving his truck, and riding a 'trike.'

Eli, at 18 months you...
- Love to walk/run everywhere
- Love playing outside and throw a fit when we have to come in
- LOVE reading books.  It's the first thing you want every morning and the last thing you want every night.
- LOVE trucks, cars and anything you can 'drive' on the floor or couch
- Still have a fetish for hats (or maybe that's mom...)
- Love reading your Family book - you can point out everyone and call Mama, Dada, Uncle Go, Auntie A, Joel, Gigi and Papa by name!
- Feeding you is all about the presentation.  (Using a fork or bowl makes everything taste better!)
- Feel strongly that everything needs to be in its place (wonder where he gets that??).  Just for fun we put his little chair inside of his tent.  The next thing I know, he is dragging the chair out of the tent and back to its 'normal' spot.  He will also pull out his lawn mower, mow the carpet, and then park his lawn mower back in his closet.  Too funny.
- Still love to sleep!  You sleep from about 7:00-6:45 on school days (you like to sleep in on the weekends) and take a 2 hour nap in the afternoons.
- You have 16 teeth and are working on your 2 year molars (or at least we hope that is what is causing the current fussiness and drool fountain).
- Have really started playing with Maya at daycare.  You two are quite the pair we hear.
- Have been to the doctor 9 times in the last 11 months for your ears :(  In approximately 12 hours you'll have tubes and hopefully no more fluid!
- Wear 12 month pants, 18 month shirts and size 4 shoe.
- Are rocking the 5% in weight, 10% in height, and 47% head.

You are the biggest blessing little one.  We love you!

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