Ryan and I found out on Valentine's Day whether we were having a boy or a girl. At that time we wanted to keep it a secret, though I knew it was only a matter of time before we would want to spill the beans. For those of you who have been [im]patiently waiting, that time has come! Luckily some of our family members were up for a K-State basketball game and we were able to surprise them with the news.
Grandma Peej had a tough deliberation, but decided on blue. I think she's still convinced she saw male anatomy on the sonogram. It took Ryan quite a bit of arguing to convince Jane the anatomy she was seeing was actually the umbilical cord. Even though it was the size of the baby's leg, she wasn't so sure.
Grandma Connie chose pink. You see she's only raised a girl (unless you count the years of bossing around her brothers which my uncles might argue wasn't the most pleasant of experiences).
Blue or Pink envelope - which would you choose?
Grandma Peej had a tough deliberation, but decided on blue. I think she's still convinced she saw male anatomy on the sonogram. It took Ryan quite a bit of arguing to convince Jane the anatomy she was seeing was actually the umbilical cord. Even though it was the size of the baby's leg, she wasn't so sure.
Grandma Connie chose pink. You see she's only raised a girl (unless you count the years of bossing around her brothers which my uncles might argue wasn't the most pleasant of experiences).
And the verdict is.....
Yep that's right. In July, Ryan and I will be the proud parents of a sweet, precious baby boy. Yippee!!!