Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Back to Work I Go

This is a time in every mom's life that she absolutely dreads.  I'm assuming.  But I consider myself the  luckiest girl in the world to be able to go back part time for a few weeks before I head back to work for good.  Of course, I meant to write this post when I went back to work, and, well, that was two weeks ago.  So for the past two weeks I've been working 2.5 days a week and E has been going to Miss Dawn's house...and we couldn't have asked for a better transition.

What?  I have to wear pants and socks?!?  What's going on?

Shortly before my full-time mommyhood expired, I was actually getting eager to go back to work.  I am so blessed to work in a profession that is incredibly fulfilling, humbling and purposeful every second of every day.  Granted there is a big ol' piece of me that wants to spend every minute with my little man, eat lunch with R every day, and wear shorts and a t-shirt for the rest of eternity.  However, there is also a giant piece of my heart that is back with my other 'kids.'  The ones who don't have mommies and daddies who give them all the love and support they deserve.  The sweet tweeny-boppers who are desperately trying to navigate the choppy waters of middle school and need all the help they can get.  I love the quirky, weird, and often annoying young adolescents that I spend my days with.  And, deep down, I know that day care is good for E.

Daycare can provide him with things we can't:  Getting used to other people.  New germs.  Learning to adjust.  New germs.  Not being the center of attention all of the time.  New germs. Getting to play with other kids.  And the list goes on.  Plus, have I told you how wonderful his daycare provider is?  Well, let me say it again.  She is wonderful.  She is so kind, has a huge heart, and loves our little boy to pieces.  What other qualification could she possibly need?  Just kidding - she is an excellent provider, licensed and experienced.  E goes to daycare with two other kiddos...an 18 month old ('Wildman') and a 4 month old ('Sweet Girl').  E has had to step up his game...you know taking more baths and wearing pants....because he has to impress Sweet Girl.  R teases him everyday that he was flirting with his girlfriend at daycare.  E thinks this is hilarious and laughs blushes at any mention of Sweet Girl's name.  E's transition to daycare was a piece of cake.  Seriously, he took it like a champ.  My transition was pretty smooth too.  Don't kid yourself, there were tears.  But, honestly, it wasn't so bad.  However, if I had gone back to work full time, cold turkey, that would have been bad.  Very bad.  If anyone out there is having a baby, find a way to ease back in to work.  I'm serious.  Find a way.  I might still be in denial that I have to go back full-time, and I would give just about anything to stay part time, but I really can't do my job justice with just 2.5 days a week.  So I will put on my big girl panties and Eli will strap on his big boy diaper and we will embark on a full-time schedule....just not yet :)
Ah, mom.  You're making me blush.

To avoid rambling, here are some random tidbits from our transition:
- Current Schedule:  My alarm goes off at 5:30 so I can start getting ready.  I feed E around 6 and then get to play with both of my boys until they leave at 7:05.  Then I get dressed, eat breakfast and off I go.  I get off work at 3:45 and pick up E around 4:10.  Then we play/eat/etc with daddy for the rest of the night.
- On my first day back, my boys sent me the most beautiful flowers.  R doesn't send me flowers because we both feel it is a slight waste of money...I mean I'm just going to kill them eventually.  I'd rather have a massage...or a new pair of shoes.  Mmmmm.  But these flowers (which were delivered to my school....big deal people, big deal) were gorgeous
- On my second day back, R sent me a text saying E had gotten really excited and smiled real big when he saw Miss Dawn.  The text was meant to be encouraging, but it made me a little sad...and a little jealous.  What?  You mean he's not miserable without me?  Tear.
- My boss and all of the people I work with have been amazingly flexible and helpful as I get back into the swing of things.
- The most overwhelming and incomprehensible thing about working full time and being a mom is getting everything done.  By the time I get everything unpacked, repacked and washed each day it's time for bed.  I've been using my days off to go to the store, cook, clean de-clutter the house, etc.  I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to make this happen when I have to work 5 days in a row.  On that note, who decided that the work to weekend ratio should be 5:2.  That seems incredibly lopsided.  Maybe I should start a petition for 4 day work weeks.  Who's with me?!?
Don't worry - he can breathe.

And, now, I'll leave you with two stories.

#1 - Silly boys
On your first day back at work, what is the easiest way to see and say hi to all of the kids?  Mill around the lunch room, of course.  And, when you've just spent two months with the most adorable baby known to man, you obviously carry a picture of that baby with you as you make your rounds.  Each table I approached gave me one of two reactions.  "Oooohhhhhhhh, he's SOOOO cute!!!!!"  or "Huh, nice baby.  Is it a boy or a girl?"  Can you guess which gender gave which response??  Until....I walked up to a table of boys (who had obviously figured out what I was doing) and cooed in their most sugary sweet voices "Ooohhhhhh, Mrs. G, he's just the cutest baby we've every seen.  He's so handsome!!!"  That's right gentlemen.  That's right.

#2 - Background Props
My first week back at work was spent hurridly planning Bully Prevention Week.  During seminar one day, I sent six of my 8th graders off to film a PSA on Cyberbullying.  They did a great job.  I thoroughly enjoyed watching the clips.  I especially enjoyed the clip they shot sitting in my desk chair with my pump in the background.  Something I did not realize until we had successfully posted our video on YouTube, Facebook, and the school district's website.  Haha, oops.

So, I guess working isn't all that bad.  But I'm still going to work on the work week to weekend ratio.  Something's got to be done about that. 

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