Tuesday, October 30, 2012

BFFs - Literally

In college I was beyond blessed with the best friends a girl could ask for.  I lived with all of them at some point or another and I am a better person because of it.  However, these aren't just friends you live with in college and then go your separate ways.  These friends are special.  They are friends who will celebrate your 21st birthday with you at 7:00 am with coffee and funfetti cake.  They are girls who will get up and go to the Rec with you at 5:30 am, even if it's just to get BubbleGum from the cute old man walking on the indoor track (cough-cough-Katie).  They are girls who get up every Friday morning at 6:00 am to hang out at a coffee shop because that's when it fit into our schedule.  We valued our friendship more than anything and have always been willing to make the effort you have to make to keep a group of eight together.  When we graduated, we were bound and determined to stay close.  Though we were spread out from Manhattan to KC, each and every month we would find a night to have dinner together.  Even if that meant loading up in the car and driving two hours for pizza and wine.  That's what we did.  Soon we started to spread out even more , but we still got together.  Between kiddos and the price of plane tickets we aren't all together every time, but we still do a pretty darn good job.  

Here are some pics from our 2nd annual Manhattan Reunion weekend.  Keri, Katie and Hil - we missed you.  Don't worry - we'll do it all over again next fall!!  Love you girls!
Eli and Dean just hanging out.

8 adults & 6 kids taking Radina's by storm.

The mamas and babies minus Oliver and Annie.  So much fun!

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