Sunday, November 4, 2012

Baby Check: 4 months

Heeey - what's happenin?!

The fourth month of Eli's life has been a doozy.  For starters, he found out that he has his very own feet that are attached to his very own body.  Big discovery.  Secondly, he got his VERY OWN ceiling fan.  That's right folks, no more sharing the family ceiling fan with mom and dad.  With a new house came a ceiling fan all his own.  Kids these days - spoiled rotten, I tell you.  However, I must say, as Eli matures, it seems as if the ceiling fan is losing it's appeal.  Just the other day he told me 'Mom, ceiling fans are for babies.'  Well, okay then.
Yay for birthday ties!

In his fourth month of life, Eli has moved on to bigger and better things like his taggie blanket, Moose and Sophie which he can now grab and stick in his mouth.  He has also found his feet and likes to grab them, but hasn't figured out those can go in his mouth too.  Only a matter of time, I'm sure.  His fine motor skills have probably developed the most over the last month, but he's also working on some of those gross motor skills like rolling over and holding his head up.

What's that you've got there above the camera?

At four months you:
- have started grabbing things like Moose, mom's hair, toys on your play gym, mom's earrings, your own toes, mom's clothes, and anything else that is within in your reach. 
-  can roll over from tummy to long as your arm doesn't get in the way.
- are strong enough to look around when you're on your tummy....thus, you don't hate it as much.
- still spit-up and drool like it's your job.  It might be time to start wearing bibs??
- can sit-up as long as someone helps support your body  (our very own weeble-wobble)
- sleep through the night (9 pm - 6 am)
- can sit in your Exersaucer and play with your toys - this makes you really seem like a big boy!  However, you are still a little wobbly so we have to watch you closely.  You'll have a 6 pack in no time!
- make raspberries with your tongue.  You and daddy can do this for hours!
- love sitting on laps and reading books like 'Little Blue', 'SkippyJohn', and, of course, 'Hello Willie' on gamedays!

Workin' on his cabbage patch.
View from above
4 month Stats: 
Weight: 13 lb. 8 oz - 20%
Length: 25.3 in - 64%
Head:  41 cm - 20%
Sweet face.

Our chunky monkey showin' some thigh!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute boy! Charlotte's favorite book is "Hello, Willie!" We read it multiple times per day. She knows how to fist pump at the end of the fight song (we sing it on the marching band page), how to do the touchdown sign, and loves to point to Willie on every page. In fact, I just looked down and Charlotte has the book and is looking through it as I type this. Gotta love the baby Wildcat fans! :)
