Monday, April 23, 2012

Kansas Relays

17 feet in the air - can you imagine??
On Friday, R, Baby G and I headed east to watch my cousin compete in the pole vault at the Kansas Relays.  It was a gorgeous day for a track meet and I was SO excited to see my family.  (Almost) the whole crew from Texas was up along with the Lawrence, Topeka and Manhattan clans.  We got to see some great competitors on the field and on the track.  Afterwards we stuffed our faces, told a few stories and laughed a lot.  Baby G even got to open some presents.  He LOVES his new dog and pjs, but he doesn't get to read his Jayhawk book until mom and dad have annotated it.  To all my Wildcats out there - don't worry - my aunt and uncle tried to brainwash me too.  Didn't work last time and it won't work this time.  They are persistent though :)

On Saturday Baby G, Grandma and I started off our morning with a workout in the pool.  For those of you who don't know - my mom swam a mile almost every day of her pregnancy with me.  Including the day I was born.  And you wonder why I love the water?!?  I really want to swim through my pregnancy too, and it was a pretty cool feeling to have all three of us sharing a lane on Saturday morning.  Swimming is going to quickly become my favorite workout because it is the one thing I can do and not feel like Baby G is jumping on my bladder.  He likes it too - the flip turns are his favorite :)  If R won't let me do backflips on the trampoline while I'm pregnant, I'm at least going to let the baby enjoy a few flip turns!
Aunt Kate and Aunt Kat

The love of my life

Saturday afternoon we returned to the Relays for another beautiful afternoon.  There were quite a few professionals running on Saturday and I'm excited to see which ones will be running on my TV during the Olympics this summer!  We ended the day hanging out with gma and gpa and enjoying my dad's homemade cherry crisp.  Yum!  All in all it was a pretty good weekend - so good that Sunday will get it's own separate post. 

Until then....

Monday, April 16, 2012

3rd Tri

Things I have learned happen in your 3rd trimester:
- Strangers are now bold enough to assume you're pregnant. No more wondering if you're just a little chubby.
- You get slower - at exercising, at sitting up, and pretty much at life in general.
- Your favorite outfits start to make an appearance about every 4 days.
- You don't care if you're not supposed to wear flip-flops to work. I dare someone to say something about my flip-flops at work.
- Your house starts to look like a little person lives there.
- Parenting books replace episodes of Big Bang Theory and House Hunters.
- You spend significantly more money on your baby than you do on yourself.
- You get really stinkin' excited to be a parent. And to watch your hubby become a dad.

6 month belly pic!
Baby G has a crib!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pinterest #1

Instead of just browsing Pinterest, I have actually started using Pinterest for its intended purpose - to try new things. So far my 'new things' have been limited to food, but those have definitely been a success! I have also made myself a new recipe (note)book so that I don't have to copy all of my internet recipes onto smaller recipe cards. Ryan has loved the variety of meals and is always a great trooper when I make him try new things. He is also the world's best left-over eater which means we only cook 2x a week. Score!

Top: Fruit rainbow for Easter. A little tedious but pretty cute and super yummy!
Middle: Chipotle Chicken Salad. A fresh twist on my favorite Taco Salad. Will definitely make again!
Bottom: Southwest Wraps. This was definitely Ryan's favorite. Healthy, easy, and very tasty!

I do have some Pinterest projects planned for the baby's room so we'll see how crafty I can get. They will probably have to wait until I am on summer break at which point I will be 8 months pregnant and might not feel too crafty. We'll see.

I'm off to supervise as Ryan and his dad set up the crib. Pictures to come! (Along with a 6 month baby bump pic).

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

11 Things

My dear friend Michelle over at CubbiesandNooks invited me to participate in this little game. Though, this activity sort of reminds me of a chain letter, I have really enjoyed reading other people's answers to the questions so I figure it's only fair for me to participate. For the record, though, I do not believe in chain letters. Anywho...

Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog/twitter/facebook and tell them that you've tagged them.

1. I hate raisins. No, there's got to be a better word:
loathe, detest, despise. Seriously, I won't touch the things.
2. I LOVE a clean house, but I hate to clean my house.
3. When I grow up I want to be a gymnast and a drummer. But especially a drummer. I love rhythm. My fingers and toes are always moving and I'm pretty sure I tell Ryan that I want to learn how to play the drums at least 2x a week.
4. I won't let my parents get rid of my trampoline that has been in their back yard for 20 years. I still jump on it from time to time, and I really want to do some backflips while I'm pregnant. If you were a fetus wouldn't that sound like fun?!?
5. I am a water baby. A pool, the ocean, on a boat, I don't care. There is nowhere that I feel more relaxed and at peace than around water.
6. I LOVE Mexican food. Can a person survive on chips and queso? I think so.
7. I was an English major in college, but I didn't enjoy reading until well after I graduated. Even then I would only read Young Adolescent Lit. I've only recently graduated into adult novels...and they have to be really interesting for me to read them.
8. I have run 1 half marathon, a few 10Ks, lots of 5Ks and 4 triathlons. I am looking forward to training for something again after I have the baby.
9. I cook like my dad - recipes are just suggestions and if the kitchen isn't a disaster when we're done, the meal probably isn't any good.
10. I have the best family, extended family, and friends a person could ask for. A lot of people probably they think their family is the best, but mine really is. I promise.
11. I'm not a rule follower. Typically I believe that rules don't apply to me. For example, if I need to make a U-turn in the middle of the road to get a parking spot that is going the other direction, then I'll do it. Additionally, I am married to a rule follower. This has only caused 1 or 2 disagreements over the last 5 years :)

And now for Michelle's questions....
1. If you could only eat one type of cereal for the rest of your life, what would you choose and why?
Hmmm...probably Quaker Oatmeal Squares. They are just the right balance of salty and sweet and they don't get soggy if I eat too slow.

2. What is your favorite room in your house/apartment and why?
I'm going to go with the deck that will be part of our new house. I think that is what I'm most excited about when we finally have a house :)

3. Quick! Your home is on fire! What 3 things do you grab?
Ryan, my phone, and a pair of pants! (assuming I was sleeping)

4. What is some of the best advice you’ve ever received?
Live and Learn. I think Ryan and I repeated this phrase at least 365 times during our first year of marriage. Whenever we made a mistake or screwed something up (such as the time I left the oven on over night) we simply shrugged and reminded each other to 'live and learn.' This saved us from a lot of stressed out moments. Once it's in the past, there's not a whole lot you can do but live and learn :)

5. Who do you think would play you in a movie?
I'll take suggestions for this one...

6. What is the last book you read and would you recommend it to a friend?
Last book I finished - Water for Elephants. Definitely recommend.
Currently reading - The Help. Definitely recommend.

7. What is something you wish you were really good at?
Besides playing the drums? Singing. I can't sing to save my life....but I sing anyway :)

8. If you could receive a $500 gift card to any clothing store, where would you choose?
Does Target count? If yes, then Target. If not....
6 months ago I would have said Banana Republic. But now that there is a little person about to join the family and I do more shopping for him than for myself. So I'll say Gap. Gap has everything I need - work clothes, play clothes, sweat pants, and baby clothes! (For the record, so does Target).

9. What is a non-profit you are passionate about and what is their cause?
Christian Challenge is the campus ministry Ryan and I were involved in during college. Being back in Manhattan we have been able to reconnect with some of our Challenge people and I love being able to support them as well as the current college students!

10. If you don’t mind, please share an embarrassing moment in your life…only because I love you and those stories are awesome.
I can honestly say I do not get embarrassed very easily....maybe that's because I avoid embarrassing situations at all costs. Or I just block them from my memory??? Hmmmmm....I've really got nothing. I'm sure someone out there can think of a time I made a fool of myself.

11. Share one of your proudest moments.
Having been an educator for 5 years, I have interacted with over 900 kids. That gives me a lot of opportunities to be proud. I am usually proud of my kids every single day. Personally, though, I would say being nominated for the Horizon Award during my first year of teaching. The Horizon is the equivalent of the 'Teacher of the Year' award but it is reserved for first year teachers. At the time, I worked in a large district with a lot of amazing first year teachers. I was really, really, really honored to be nominated by my school and my district.

Okay, so I'm going to be a party pooper and quit playing here. (Did I mention I'm not a rule-follower?) I'm sure I'm disrupting some kind of karma by not passing this on, but it'll be okay. Michelle, thanks for tagging me. I hope you've all enjoyed a peek into my weird little life.