Monday, April 16, 2012

3rd Tri

Things I have learned happen in your 3rd trimester:
- Strangers are now bold enough to assume you're pregnant. No more wondering if you're just a little chubby.
- You get slower - at exercising, at sitting up, and pretty much at life in general.
- Your favorite outfits start to make an appearance about every 4 days.
- You don't care if you're not supposed to wear flip-flops to work. I dare someone to say something about my flip-flops at work.
- Your house starts to look like a little person lives there.
- Parenting books replace episodes of Big Bang Theory and House Hunters.
- You spend significantly more money on your baby than you do on yourself.
- You get really stinkin' excited to be a parent. And to watch your hubby become a dad.

6 month belly pic!
Baby G has a crib!


  1. I was very honored to participate in helping putting the baby crib together. It sure is a lot different than what my boys were in.

    I told R & K that just think there will be a little person laying in the crib before long. You should have seen the look on their faces. Like oh my gosh this is really going to happen.

  2. I love reading your blog! So happy to have you as such a wonderful friend. Yipee for the third trimester!

