Thursday, June 14, 2012

On the Big Stage

If you know me well, you know that dance has been a huge part of my life since the age of four.  I grew up dancing at The Dance Factory in Topeka, KS and spent the better part of my teenage years at the studio.  Some of my best friends to this day are friends I made at The Dance Factory.

For those of you who are dancers, you understand the magical freedom that dance brings.  Dance is more than coordination and sequins.  It is about being able to transcend the normalcy (and sometimes ugliness) of everyday life.  It is about expressing yourself in ways that words never could.  And it is about discovering who you are and who you want to be whether it's in a tiny studio or on a big stage.  I grew up idolizing the older dancers, loving the friends I danced with and (hopefully) inspiring the dancers who followed me.  Last weekend all of us were on the stage together for The Dance Factory's 32nd anniversary.
All 110 of us!

Tarah said it best when she commented that "Dance is what brought us together, but it's not really about the dancing."  Touche.  People do not pay hundreds of dollars to drive and fly from all over the country to dance in an alumni reunion.  In fact, many of them are dancing professionally all over the country, so I'm pretty sure they don't need to come back to Topeka, KS just to dance.  We all came back because The Dance Factory made us the people we are today and we wanted to taste that again, if even for a short time. 
I'm the one with my hands in the air.

This weekend was especially important to me because it was our little Bambino's first dance recital.  And he was AMAZING...if I do say so myself :)  He really was a trooper through 6 hours of rehearsal and two performances.  Honestly, I am so blessed to be in my 8th month of pregnancy and still have the ability and energy to do the things I want to do.

The preggos took a picture....while everyone else did crunches.
This about sums it up.

On top of the dancing, our little family enjoyed post-performance dinner with our friends and their families.  We also hit up Gage Park to introduce the next generation to the stone animals and, of course, the train.  R and I reflected on how cool Gage Park really is.  We are super stoked to get to enjoy all of the memories of our childhood once Baby G is here.  Having a baby makes so many fun things socially acceptable again (i.e. swings, slides, baby water parks, etc).

First of family pic outside of TPAC

Finally, my parents surprised me with these beautiful earrings before Saturday night's performance.  My dad gave these to my mom a month before I was born and now they have passed them down to Baby G and me a month before he arrives.  I don't have a lot of keepsakes, but I do have a sentimental streak in me and this gift was a really special one.

And for this week's update:

How far along: 36 weeks
Size of Baby G:  Some kind of large melon....does it really matter anymore?
Body changesHad my first 'check' at the doctor this week.  Baby is head down.  Yay!!!
Sleep: I have about 1 rough night per week.  I'd say that's not so bad. 
Best moment this week:  Getting to dance with my baby in the recital!
Movement: The doctor showed us where baby's spine and butt are.  He sure likes to shake that little booty!
Food Cravings:  Peaches, slush and ice water. (This really has nothing to do with the fact that I'm pregnant....I love these three things every summer!)
What I miss:  Being able to lay out at the pool....on my stomach.
Milestones: Began our weekly doctor's appointments to check the little man's progress.  Also, the nursery is D.O.N.E.  Grandma Peej made the crib skirt and bumper.  I'd live here...wouldn't you?!?

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